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What is BCST?

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy(BCST) is a unique and gentle, touch based therapy

that acknowledges the health in the body by regulation of the central nervous system.

As BCST therapists we are trained to feel these rhythms in the body, and with sensitive

knowing hands we can identify places where the expression of health needs


What are the benefits of BCST?

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is deeply relaxing. It assists the body's natural

healing processes, increasing physical vitality and well-being. It aids in pain relief and

encourages the nervous system, organs and musculoskeletal system to balance and


It is gentle and safe, making it effective for people of all ages. Many clients find it

supports the relief of symptoms associated with a wide variety of health conditions.

Because BCST promotes expression of health in all the body’s systems, it fosters wellbeing

in all aspects of your life.

What can you expect during a session?

Sessions involve the practitioner placing their hands on the patient, which allows them

to “tune into the craniosacral rhythm”. The practitioner then uses delicate manual

techniques to release restrictions and relieve undue pressure on the brain and spinal

cord. When the central nervous system is free of restrictions, the body is more able to

return to its highest levels of health.

Every session with a client is as unique as the client themselves. The systems innate

intelligence guides the process of the practitioner, and allows the release of deeply held

patterns that cause disease and disfunction.

During a session there may be a lot of silence if the client is deeply relaxed, or there

may be a lot of feedback between client and myself as to what is being felt.

What can you expect after a session?

How the client feels after therapy may include deep relaxation, decrease pain and more

freedom of physical movement. They may feel more embodied, and calmer or the client

may realize that something has changed physically and/or how one feels about

themselves in relation to the outside world.

Individual response to the work varies and the greatest benefits are achieved after

several sessions.



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