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It’s Time to Stop Suffering from Postpartum Depression and Anxiety

help for postpartum depression and anxiety in Calgary

The tender time after giving birth is a particularly vulnerable season in a new mom’s life. As your body quickly repairs itself after pregnancy and child-birth, it's common to experience intense sadness, withdrawal, sleep difficulties and feelings of inadequacy.

So how can a new mom know if what she’s experiencing is typical and will pass, or if she needs help?

At Dr. For Moms, we want to remove the guessing game by creating a nurturing community for women who have just given birth. Our recent focus groups show us that postpartum depression and anxiety is common, and struggling women have a hard time finding the help and support they need.

That is where we come in.

Our commitment to you doesn’t end once you’re holding your baby in your arms. Instead we want to create a safe environment that focuses on community support and natural health practices.

Getting rid of the stigma that surrounds postpartum depression and anxiety is our first goal, so our new support groups are the first step in your recovery process. Know you’re not alone as you ask questions, learn coping skills and find support among other women in our baby-friendly mom groups.

To support emotional wellness, our team provides acupuncture, nutrition, massage, chiropractic, naturopathy, yoga, nutrition, homeopathy, breastfeeding support and postpartum doula support, as we believe natural health is the best way to thrive in momhood. Our team will soon include mental health practitioners, as well. Best of all, child minding is available during your appointment so you can take the time you need without any distractions.

And if your baby is older, we now know that postpartum symptoms can last for up to two years and include anxiety disorders which manifest in ways like anger, panic or hypervigilance. It’s never too late to get help.

Be a part of the conversation as we work together to create a support network. Join us Friday, November 17th at 6:00 pm for a screening of, When the Bough Breaks, a documentary that ”sheds a bright light on the serious issues associated with postpartum depression and postpartum psychosis.”

A discussion will follow where we hear your thoughts and comments, as well as share findings from our recent focus groups. These discussions and findings are laying the groundwork for our expansion to meet the mental health needs of women in Calgary. Sign up for When the Bough Breaks screening here.

If you’re unable to attend the screening, your feedback is valuable. We’re putting together a survey, so keep an eye on Facebook for your opportunity to share your story.

No matter what stage you’re in, Dr. For Moms is here to support you in raising a healthy, happy family by making sure Mom gets the help she needs first.

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