Kin Tape for Kids
What is Kinesiology tape?
K-tape is a specific type of tape applied to an area of the body to:
Increase blood circulation to the tissue under the taped area
Decrease swelling by raising the tissue and reliving pressure beneath the skin surface
Depending of the way its applied it can also help strengthen a weakened muscle by providing information from the skin and muscles to the brain to increase muscle activity
Decrease pain and muscle spasm
How can it help kids?
Relief of Pain and Swelling – When applied to an injured or inflamed area, children can get some relief without having to take pain medication or sit through icing and therapy treatments.
Orthopedic Treatment – Children often don’t understand the purpose or have the patience for rehabilitation exercises, so kinesiology tape provides an additional or alternative treatment option for children with orthopedic injuries, weak or underdeveloped muscles, gait abnormalities, paralysis and even poor posture.

Neuromuscular Disorders – Kinesiology tape has proven effective to activate weak muscles and inhibit overactive muscles. With a simple and safe taping application, children suffering from neuromuscular conditions like cerebral palsy, or muscular dystrophy could see improvements in symptoms and movement ability. It may also improve muscle tone in genetic disorders like Downs Syndrome and other conditions causing either spasticity, atrophy or poor muscle tone.
Kinesiology tape is a great option for children dealing with serious medical conditions, athletes or gait abnormalities. It is a colorful and painless treatment that can be worn for several days, even while playing and bathing, it can make a big difference in their comfort level.
Kin tape is also great for the young athletes with discomfort or pain while participating in their sport. Keep in mind that if your child is experiencing any aches or pains while playing they should be seen by a professional to determine what the cause of their discomfort is.