Beyond Babies
Optimizing your health after babies and into Menopause
BEYOND BABIES: Peri-menopause support, longevity, anti-aging
If you think you no longer fit in at Dr. For Moms once you are done having babies - think again! Learn more about our extensive support for women navigating perimenopause and optimizing your health over 40.
We've got you covered during this sometimes challenging stage of life. You will be amazed at how just a few tweaks of your diet and lifestyle - along with some special care - can improve the way you handle perimenopause. Hot flushes, brain fog, fatigue, decreased motivation, memory challenges, weight gain around the belly area, muscle loss, bone density concerns - our hormones are once again in flux, but we don't need to struggle through.
The choices we make in perimemopause will dictate our level of health as we age - join us as we talk more about how to age 'less', and more powerfully.
Here are some of the ways the team at Dr. For Moms can help you sail through menopause and optimize your health with a new way of aging we like to call, New Aging:
Hormone Balancing
Acupuncture TCM
Nutrition and Lifestyle Coaching
Strategic Replenishment, Longevity, Anti-aging (New-aging)
Acupuncture Facials
Massage Facials
Hormone Balancing
Biohacking (red light therapy, IV nutrient therapy, chiropractic care)
Dr. Patti's Favorites for longevity, biohacking and natural aging support (coming soon)
Perimenopause Health Coaching
Dr. Patti Hort, our perinatal and pediatric chiropractor is also a women's health coach with a perimenopause certification. So you can get all the guidance you need, right here, to set yourself up to sail through perimenopause. Whether you are simply wanting to get yourself on track to avoid the common symptoms women struggle with during this transition or you are already in it and need some support, she can help.
Sleep, stress management, nutrition, fasting, mindset, supplements - let's talk!
Book a perimenopause consult with Dr. Hort
Perimenopause mini course (coming soon)
Perimenopause Course (coming soon)
Introduction to Intermittent Fasting for Women (coming soon)
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) & Acupuncture
TCM has placed great importance on women’s health for over 3000 years. TCM resolves imbalances or deficiencies with acupuncture and herbs restoring optimal health.
TCM is used to treat many symptoms during menopause.
TCM providers at The Dr. For Moms Center include:
Dr. Holly Locke
​​​​​​​​Naturopathic Medicine
Naturopathic medicine has lots to offer from hormone testing, nutritional advice, supplement recommendations to nutrient IVs, intramuscular injections, and pain management injections for moms who are done with having babies but want to still stay on top of their health and sail through perimenopause and menopause.
Seeing a naturopath for issues in women's health has been proven very effective! Our doctors can help with the following issues and more:
Adrenal Function
Optimizing thyroid hormones and progesterone levels to help with stress management
Addressing hormone Imbalances to minimize hot flashes, insomnia, and mood changes
Support your skin, hair, nails, bones, and joints to help you stay youthful!
Anxiety/depression/low mood
Restoring your energy
Digestive issues, food sensitivities
Sleep difficulties
And so much more!
Our naturopathic doctors offer:
IV nutritional therapy
B vitamin injections
Hormonal, food sensitivity and digestive testing
Prolotherapy for joint pain
If you have any questions about booking your appointment, please do not hesitate to contact us!
Naturopathic doctors at The Dr. For Moms Center
Dr. Suhani Shah, ND.
Pelvic Health Physiotherapy
Pelvic health physiotherapy plays a significant role in women’s health. It can help with the following issues and more:
Internal pelvic pain conditions including dysmenorrhea (painful periods), dyspareunia (pain with intercourse), vaginismus, interstitial cystitis, endometriosis, vulvodynia and more.
Bladder dysfunction including stress and urinary incontinence, retention, nocturia (night voiding), increased frequency, difficulty with initiation or completion of void
Bowel dysfunction including constipation, fecal or gas incontinence, straining, hemorrhoids, incomplete evacuation, pain during or after a bowel movement
Pelvic organ prolapse
Pelvic heaviness or pressure
Pain in the low back, pelvis, sacroiliac joints, sacrum, pubic symphysis or hips
Pelvic health PTs at The Dr. For Moms Center include: