Made By Momma
The Dr. For Moms Official Local Charity Made by Momma, a Calgary-area volunteer group providing wholesome nourishment and nurturing care to mothers and young children. Made by Momma is 100% volunteer-run and not-for-profit! Our goal is to help families facing situations of adversity by providing support in the form of homemade meals and baked goods, new and gently used baby and children’s items, a quick house clean/tidy, a friendly, supportive visitor and other services to allow mothers the time they need to focus on themselves, their families and bonding with their children.
Cambiando Vidas (Changing Lives)
Alchemists chased the ultimate “change” for centuries until science proved nothing could turn to gold. But Human Alchemy is the science of education. Cambiando Vidas changes raw gifted determination into golden realities. We’re starting Decade II of life changing support for a long deserving waiting list of truly grateful students. Your support is pure gold.
Learn All About Cambiando Vidas... Read the Whole Story...
Sierra Leone Birthing Huts
This project takes an original holistic approach to addressing the major causes of infant and maternal death: skilled personnel providing antenatal monitoring and referring high risk women to adjacent hospitals or clinics for delivery in an aseptic environment, followed by neonatal monitoring of mother and child through the first month following birth, and the integration of rights-based and scientific community health... Read the whole story...
The Chiropractic Cancer Foundation for Children
Our Mission: To provide Complimentary Quality Chiropractic care to children with cancer throughout the world.
Our Goal: To enrich the lives of children suffering from cancer by helping to ease their pain and nurture a process of self healing.
Inn from the Cold
For almost twenty years, Inn from the Cold has operated as an agency of last resort for those children and their families who find themselves, literally, with no place else to go. They go far beyond provision of shelter, food, and clothing. Their services also focus on the many support needs that ensure children and their families begin the process of recovering their dignity, their self-worth, their independence, and their hope. They offer shelter, sanctuary, and healing through an integrated continuum of services that includes emergency shelter, instrumental needs, primary medical care, case management, therapeutic early childhood programming, supported housing, and an open door policy to all in need.
Cambiando Vidas (Changing Lives)